#genderequalitygender equalitySport

We are pleased to announce the upcoming Final Conference of the swost.eu (Sport Without Stereotypes) Project, which will be held in parallel and within the esteemed Skillman International Forum 2023 (SIF) in Riga, Latvia. Organised by the Ministry of Education and Science, this conference will take place on the 26th and 27th of September 2023. The SIF serves as a platform for sharing best practices in the field of education and skills development, making it an ideal setting to showcase the remarkable achievements of the swost.eu project.

The main objective of this conference is to present the practices and the quality self-assessment tool developed during the implementation of swost.eu. We extend our invitation to sport associations, stakeholders, and individuals interested in joining the affiliation program, as this event offers an excellent opportunity to learn about and test the results achieved by swost.eu thus far.

Organised by the UEFA Foundation for Children, the conference will bring together all project partners, external stakeholders, public authorities, local sport clubs, associations, federations, young people, and the general public. Through its wide network of clubs, sport federations, and public authorities, the UEFA Foundation for Children will select local participants for the conference.

swost.eu, an Erasmus+ Sport project, aims to transform Europe’s sport organisations by challenging gender stereotypes. By utilising the project’s self-assessment tool, organisations can assess and improve their gender equality and inclusivity, ultimately earning a quality label as proof of their commitment.

Event Description:

The conference will consist of two sections: one dedicated to recipients of swost.eu tools and the other focused on young people and beneficiaries of the project. This gathering will involve 40 external European partners and 140 local representatives. Apart from UEFA’s capability to engage grassroots sport associations and, most importantly, young beneficiaries, we have also received nominations from various EU and non-EU partners active in sports, scientific research, and NGO associations.

The conference aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1.  Share the project’s results and enhance its visibility on the EU level.
  2. Establish a network of local, national, and European decision-makers and stakeholders.
  3. Present the project’s intellectual outputs.
  4. Explore potential collaborations among participants.
  5. Engage youth organisations, NGOs, education providers, sport organisations, local stakeholders, and policy decision-makers in informative debates.
  6. Share project outcomes and results.
  7. Create an interactive event to reflect on the further development and utilisation of intellectual outputs.
  8. Involve young people who have benefited from the project.

This highly interactive conference will facilitate collaborative dialogue, knowledge sharing, and idea generation, creating a vibrant network of conversation and action. It serves as a platform to present the project, initiate discussions on new strategies and curricula in training and education, and evaluate the cooperation plan for the future utilisation of project outcomes.

The conference welcomes participants from various target groups, including youth workers, representatives from youth associations, sport workers, coaches, sport managers, learners in formal sport education, representatives of federations and Olympic committees, sport journalists, deans, program directors, teachers, educational developers, quality assurance officers, and local, national, and European authorities involved in youth and sports.


Media Coverage:

All conference contents will be published on the official website, and video recordings of key contributions will be provided.

We look forward to your active participation in this significant event, where we can collectively promote gender equality and inclusivity in sport organisations.

SWOST Project Team

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