#genderequalitygender equalitySport

Don’t miss the opportunity to rewatch our highly informative international webinar on gender equality in sport!

SWOST – Sport without stereotypes – is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that aims to drive change in Europe’s sport organizations by addressing gender stereotyping within the field. This project emphasizes cross-sectorial cooperation and encourages synergy across all areas of sports organizations, with a particular focus on access to rights, autonomy, and participation.


Recorded Webinar: International webinar on gender equality in sports
Original Date: 31st March 2023


Why should you watch the webinar?
1️⃣ Gain Insights: This webinar features presentations by industry experts who share their knowledge and experience on successful gender equality initiatives within sports organizations.
2️⃣ Discover Strategies: Learn about the development and implementation of effective gender equality strategies in the sports industry, enabling you to make positive changes within your own organization.
3️⃣ Access Valuable Tools: Discover practical tools, such as self-assessment, that can be utilized to promote gender equality within sports organizations.

Who can benefit from watching the webinar?
Sport organization managers and administrators seeking practical guidance on promoting gender equality within their organizations.
Coaches, trainers, and sports professionals interested in understanding and implementing gender equality practices within their work.
Researchers and academics focused on gender studies in sports.

To access the recorded webinar, please click here

By rewatching this webinar, you will have the opportunity to gather valuable insights, strategies, and tools that can positively impact your organization’s approach to gender equality in sports. Don’t miss out on this valuable resource!

SWOST Project Team


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