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Final Conference of Project: Promoting Gender Equality in Sport Organizations

We are pleased to announce the upcoming Final Conference of the (Sport Without Stereotypes) Project, which will be held in parallel and within the esteemed Skillman International Forum 2023 (SIF) in Riga, Latvia. Organised by the Ministry of Education and Science, this conference will take place on the 26th and 27th of September 2023.…

International webinar on gender equality in sports

Don’t miss the opportunity to rewatch our highly informative international webinar on gender equality in sport! SWOST – Sport without stereotypes – is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that aims to drive change in Europe’s sport organizations by addressing gender stereotyping within the field. This project emphasizes cross-sectorial cooperation and encourages synergy across all areas of…

Women in sports science research! – The Effect of a Tailored Intervention on Female Soccer Players’ Hydration Status

Numerous studies have reported that athletes’ pre-training/-game hydration status is of concern. Up to now, only two cohort studies have examined the effect of an intervention aimed at improving pretraining/-game hydration status; however, without including a control group. Therefore, the aim of this quasi-experimental study was to examine whether and to what extent an individually…

Portugees National Statistics Institute launched the website of the National Statistical System on Gender Equality.

The National Statistics Institute launched the website of the National Statistical System Project on Gender Equality, of which it is a promoter. This website presents information about the activities that make up the project: – the Gender Database, a platform for mapping relevant data from the point of view of gender equality;– the Fertility Survey,…