What is SWOST?

SWOST (Sport Without Stereotypes) project is Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
By fulfillment of the self-assessment tool, you can challenge your organization and receive the quality label proving gender equality and friendliness within your organization. European youth through the challenge of gender stereotyping within youth organizations. SWOST is aimed at preventing gender-based discrimination in sport.

What are the goals of SWOST?

The project addresses in particular a cross-sectorial cooperation, allowing for greater synergies across all fields of actions concerning sport associations, with a special focus on access to rights, autonomy, participation –including e-participation– and the active citizenship of young people, avoiding gender self-segregation phenomena and promoting common values of mutual respect between genders and without prejudice.

Why do we need SWOST?

If you want to give the same opportunities to boys and girls, and if you want to have the maximum equality in your SPORT organization, SWOST will help you! The project provides a chance to analyze your organization and to realize the weaknesses and strengths on gender equality.

SWOST project has developed an assessment tool to evaluate SPORT organizations on gender equality and also has created a database where these organizations will be able to find all kinds of materials to improve their internal structure.

How can we know in which areas our organization needs improvement in term of gender equality?

To be able to understand where our organization stands, we need to do a diagnosis/analysis that will allow us to find the blind spots, or the areas of improvement in terms of gender in our organization. SWOST project has developed a Self- Assessment Tool in order to do this diagnosis and improve the self-awareness on gender equality and on own organization.

What is this SWOST Self-Assessment Tool?

The TWOST Self-Assessment Tool is an online questionnaire that analyses the working conditions, the structure and many other aspects of the organizations.

This tool helps SPORT associations and organizations (coaches, athletes, and executives) to develop competence and awareness on gender stereotyping and gender-based violence and harassment in their everyday sport work.

This diagnosis provides personalized feedback according to different levels of progressions in order to improve their internal policies, and a reward (a quality label certified by SWOST Project Co-Funded By the European Union) which will recognize a certain level of gender equality in the analyzed organization.

Who can use the self-assessment tool?

The SWOST Project has created the Self-Assessment Tool for all types of sport associations, sports clubs, sport federation, sport committee, all sport people as athletes, coaches, participants, executives, can profit from this Tool.

Which kind of organizations can take profit of the SWOST tool?

Sport Organizations at Grass-roots level and top level- sports committees.

How long does it take to finalize the SWOST self-assessment tool?

The SWOST self-assessment tool requires more or less 25 minutes to finish the questionnaire and to obtain the final result and a quality label as a reward for passing for your organization.

In which format do we obtain the results?

nce the questionnaire has been completed, it will provide the results. Each organization will receive a quality label (Gold, Silver, Bronze or Wood) proving gender equality and friendliness inside your organization.

What is a gender quality label?

A gender equality label refers to the certification of actual equal participation of women and men, and generally about the gender equality’s indices met by the organizations in different life domains (e.g., the economy, social life, politics, education).

What is SWOST quality label?

SWOST label is gender European label, created by SWOST’s project, based on on following aspects: scientific methodology of assessment, qualitative and quantitative indicators, measuring and score.

SWOST quality label is it free?

It is absolutely free. The project has been Co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union to create a tool available for every organization who wants to improve its structure, without any cost.

My organization is very small, could we also use the self-assessment tool?

The self-assessment tool is ready to be used by big and small sport organizations. It is personalized.

Which information and documentation do I need to be able to fill up the questionnaire?

It is important to have an analysis of quantitative and qualitative data of the organization. As well as information regarding the staff members in terms of gender equality inside the organization. It could be useful to have information from a key person inside the organization.

How can SWOST project help our organization?

The SWOST project can help to bring awareness about gender issues, it can also help to see the weaknesses of your organization in terms of gender equality, and in addition it provides tools and resources to fight against it.

Which countries participated in elaboration of the SWOST Project?

You can find all the information of each partner on our website https://swost.eu/

Can countries that are not in the EU take advantage of this tool?

Yes, the SWOST Self-Assessment Tool is available for organizations from all around the world.

What is the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that Sport Associations subscribed by filling in the SWOST self-assessment tool?

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is an agreement between parties that expresses their aligned will. This type of document also details the intent of a common line of action. You can think of a memorandum of understanding as a way for all parties to express that they agree to proceed with their mutual goals: in SWOST program it expresses the agreement to tackle the gender discrimination and stereotypes in sport.

Does the MoU agreement have legal force?

SWOST Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is not legally binding.

Where I can find the SWOST MoU?

The Memorandum of Understanding of SWOST project is available in SWOST website https://swost.eu/

Which definitions are important for a sports organization that wants to tackle gender discrimination?

According to the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) Glossary (https://eige.europa.eu/), it’s important to know:

• The gender is the “Social attributes and opportunities associated with being female and male and to the relationships between women and men and girls and boys, as well as to the relations between women and those between men”;

• The gender identity “each person’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond to the sex assigned at birth, including the personal sense of the body (which may involve, if freely chosen, modification of bodily appearance or function by medical, surgical or other means) and other expressions of gender, including dress, speech and mannerisms;

• The gender stereotypes “Preconceived ideas whereby females and males are arbitrarily assigned characteristics and roles determined and limited by their gender”.