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The leadership of women in the Third Sector, greater than in areas such as science and business.

According to the Fundación Lealtad analyzes the representation of women in the most responsible positions of the 219 Accredited NGOs . The data indicate that the average number of women in government bodies is 45%, which represents 996 women in first-level positions. In addition, 47% have a woman as a director. These figures place the Third Sector in…

Gender Equality and Dimensions of Poverty

Recently The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency has published a report on the Gender Equality and Dimensions of Poverty . In the report is stated that, gender equality is a prerequisite for poverty reduction and sustainable development. Gender equality is achieved when women and men, girls and boys, have equal rights, life prospects and opportunities,…

Portugees National Statistics Institute launched the website of the National Statistical System on Gender Equality.

The National Statistics Institute launched the website of the National Statistical System Project on Gender Equality, of which it is a promoter. This website presents information about the activities that make up the project: – the Gender Database, a platform for mapping relevant data from the point of view of gender equality;– the Fertility Survey,…

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women has issued a Gender Equality Capacity Assessment Tool

“The Capacity Assessment Tool responds to UN Women’s mandate and the requirements of the UN System-Wide Action Plan (UN-SWAP). It is a way to assess the understanding, knowledge and skills that a given organization and their staff have on gender equality and women’s empowerment, and on the organization’s gender architecture and gender policy. Capacity assessment…