Women in sports science research! – The Effect of a Tailored Intervention on Female Soccer Players’ Hydration Status

Numerous studies have reported that athletes’ pre-training/-game hydration status is of concern. Up to now, only two cohort studies have examined the effect of an intervention aimed at improving pretraining/-game hydration status; however, without including a control group. Therefore, the aim of this quasi-experimental study was to examine whether and to what extent an individually…

In the frameworks of Skillman.eu focus on gender has been published a new news: FEMININE VERSUS MASCULINE SPORTS: THE ROLE OF STEREOTYPES AND PARENTS IN CHILDREN’S CHOICE OF SPORT OR ATHLETICS

The role of sex stereotypes and gender roles in the sex differences observed in sport and exercise has been extensively investigated in sport psychology, with past studies showing that stereotypes are internalized into the self during the socialization process.  When we talk about children at a young age (2-6 years) who have not yet developed…

Meet up a new news from Skillman.eu with a gender focus : GENDER EQUALITY IN SPORTS: GETTING CLOSER EVERY DAY

Sports and gender equality are related in many ways. Sport is a social and cultural activity in which social constructions of masculinity and femininity play a key role. Traditionally, sports have always been dominated by men, both in terms of participation and governance. Women were excluded from the first modern Olympic Games, held in Athens…

Empowering Women in Sports

The mission of ‘Empowering Women in Sports’ is to identify barriers that hinder women’s participation in sports and to implement initiatives that improve gender equality. This is not only aimed at athletes, but also at female coaches, officials, and board members. This initiative will be developed in close collaboration with the communities, Sport Vlaanderen, Adeps,…


Youth initiatives can play an impressive role in responding to gender inequality and gender-based violence. With their work, they can influence societies at different levels from the empowerment and support for young people by the promotion and shearing of the correct information to promotion, supporting changes in law and state policies.  However, youth organizations that promote the following issues…

Increasing Integrity in Gymnastics initiated by the Flemish governement

The Gymnastics Federation draws lessons from the report of the independent commission of inquiry that investigated testimonies about transgressive behavior on behalf of Flemish Minister of Sport Ben Weyts. A stronger integrity policy is now taking shape, including an expert committee that oversees the implementation of all the report’s recommendations. Former top gymnast Aagje Vanwalleghem is part…